
The study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of sand and cement on strength properties of laterite. Portland cement known as Dangote 3x cement was used for the study. The cement was added to laterite in an increasing order of 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% and 20% by dry weight of laterite while sand sample was added to laterite in an increasing order of 8%, 16%, 24%, 32% and 40% by dry weight of laterite. The mixtures were subjected to geotechnical testing. Test conducted were sieve analysis test, specific gravity test, atterberg limit test, compaction and CBR test. Results obtained from sieve analysis test revealed that laterite and sand and laterite were classified as A2-4 and A-2-6 according to AASHTO Soil Classification System, and SM and SC according to Unified Soil Classification System, the specific gravity of laterite increased from 2.65 to 2.74 on addition of sand and cement at 24% and 12% respectively, the liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of laterite decreased on addition of sand and cement to laterite, it was observed that at 12% sand and 24% cement, the mixture became non plastic. Compaction test showed that the maximum dry unit weight of laterite increased on addition of cement up to 12% beyond 12% cement content, the maximum dry unit weight was found to decrease while for laterite to sand mixture, the maximum dry unit weight of laterite increased on consist addition of sand to laterite, while for a blend of sand and cement added to laterite, the maximum dry unit weight of laterite increased up to 12% cement and 24% sand content beyond this point, the maximum dry unit weight was found to decrease. Assessment of the CBR of laterite stabilized with sand and cement revealed that the CBR of laterite was found to increase for all combinations (sand to latertie, cement to laterite and a . It was concluded that on addition of sand and cement to laterite, the laterite samples satisfied the criterion for use as sub-base type 1 and 2 material as recommended by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing

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