In the past years it has been hard for most civil engineering works when it comes to the use of clayey soil because most clayey soils have low bearing strength and expansive nature and its causes shrinkage and swelling. This thesis describes the evaluation of strength of clayey soil using bamboo ash powder and lime as stablizers. Clay soil was collect from bakasi at unizik and the natural moisture content was determined and it was air dried for one week to allow particial elimination of natural water while lime was bought in onitcha and the bamboo was gotten from bamboo plantation located at Enugu-Agidi and it was air dried for 3days and burnt. The clay was then stabilized by adding lime at intervals 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% and also the clay was also stabilized by adding bamboo ash powder at intervals 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12.5%. The clay soil was now stabilized with mix combination of lime and bamboo ash in the varying percentage used early, a total of 5 mix combination was gotten and it was subjected to Compaction and CBR test which we used to deduce the strength properties of the clay soil when stabilized with bamboo ash and lime, other test we conducted was sieve analysis, specific gravity and Atterberg limit. Results gotten after the sieve analysis of the clay soil after passing 0.075mm sieve is the soil is fine grained soil because of its small particles and its was classified as clay of high plasticity(CH) according to USCS. Results obtained from the composite mixture of clay, lime and bamboo ash powder revealed that the blend of lime and bamboo ash powder increased the specific gravity of natural clay from 2.66 to 2.72 at 4%lime and 5% bamboo ash powder, beyond this point, the specific gravity of the natural clay decreased and it was caused by the high content of bamboo ash powder. Result obtained from Atterberg test for natural clay stabilized with a blend of lime and bamboo ash powder shows that a blend of lime and bamboo ash powder decreased the liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of natural clayey soils. It was also observed that beyond 6% lime and 7.5% bamboo ash powder, the mixture became non plastic. Results obtained from compaction of natural clayey samples stabilized with a blend of lime and bamboo ash powder shows that a blend of lime and bamboo ash powder enhanced the maximum dry unit weight of clay from its natural value of 20.37kN/m3 to 22.27kN/m3 at 8% lime and 10% bamboo ash powder. The results obtained therefore, suggest that a blend of lime and bamboo ash powder is more effective in improving the compaction characteristics of natural clayey soils than when lime and bamboo ash powder is used as separate entities
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