This research is an attempt to dissect into the safety consideration for pedestriansalong the Awka segment of the Enugu-Onitsha express way in Anambra Nigeria.The Awka segment of the highway was of interest, Awka is the capital ofAnambra state with obvious commercial activities going on at both sides of thecarriageway. Problems such as congestion, collisions and hostile vehicle topedestrian relationship have been observed on this research location. Therefore,it is important to investigate and find possible remedies to this. There are threemajor intersections along this location, they are; Regina, Aroma and Unizikjunction. The volume of pedestrians with respect to behaviors that affect theirsafety were gotten at these junctions by manual counting, direct and indirectinterviews were also carried out on pedestrians. The Regina junction recorded thehighest volume pedestrians crossing the carriageway, which is over 50% of thetotal pedestrian volume at that time. The Aroma junction had 745 people as thehighest number of pedestrians walking along the junction during a one-hourperiod. This junctions lack crossing or walking facilities, hence obviousdifficulties were observed for pedestrians using these intersections. The Unizikjunction recorded the greatest number of pedestrians using their mobile phoneson the road, which was over 35% of the pedestrians crossing at that time. Fromthe interviews carried out, it was analyzed that motorists have a hostile attitudetowards pedestrians which makes using these junctions without traffic and safetyfacilities difficult for pedestrians. It was recommended that there should beprovision of facilities that would resolve pedestrian related issues, awarenesscampaign for road users on the right attitude to increase safety and maintenanceof already existing facilities.
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