Edward I. Adah, Peter B. Anyin, Oluwadamilare O. Eludire, Terhinde J. Ukya


The Tresca and von Misses yield criteria are generally suitable and widely used criteria for ductile materials with even the von Misses gaining more applicability. However, it is still limited in plate analysis especially for plates with one free edge. Therefore, this work aims at developing a new and simplified general permissible stress equation based on octahedral shear stress theory for plane element especially rectangular plates. This is done by modifying and improving the octahedral yield theory to obtain the new general mathematical model for yield criterion of thin isotropic rectangular plates as a function of the stress factor and vector parameter n1. Based on this general formulated model, specific mathematical models based on edge condition are obtained using the polynomial displacement shape profile for various plate types. From the result obtained, the permissible stress for the considered plate types are 244MPa. These values are less than the yield stress of mild steel of 250MPA. Also, a comparison with existing works in literature gave a percentage difference of 2.45% with the present work been upper bound and closer to the yield value. This implies that the formulated models are adequate. These new mathematical models will enhance quick prediction of the permissible stress by analysts for safe design of plated structures. 


Keywords:  Plane element, rectangular plates, octahedral shear stress, stress factor, permissible stress

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